Fighting for Conservative Values.
Our Founding Fathers made clear their intentions for individual freedom in our Declaration of Independence when they stated, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.”
I am proudly PRO-LIFE . The most vulnerable in our society is the unborn and every effort should be made to foster a culture of life. I will do everything in my power to defend and protect the unborn. I believe life begins at conception and will oppose any organization or group that supports or commits abortions.

I am PRO 2nd AMENDMENT . The very definition of Liberty is the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions. The right to bear arms was so important to our Founding Fathers that it was the second amendment to our Constitution following the first amendment which gave all of us the freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
I support our LAW ENFORCEMENT . There is no pursuit of happiness in a society where lawlessness rules the day. Brave men and women protect each and every one of us every day and I will always support them and make sure they are fully-funded.

I stand firmly against the liberal woke agenda infiltrating our schools. We need robust private and public K-12 schools, as well as quality higher education and trade schools. Parents need a say in their children’s education, and I fully SUPPORT SCHOOL CHOICE . I have 6 children with the oldest recently graduating from Creighton, two in High School, two in Middle school, and one in elementary so I know first-hand how important a good education is to the formation of a child.
As the economic engine of Nebraska, we must SUPPORT AGRICULTURE . I have been surrounded and involved with agriculture my entire life. I will work to keep unnecessary regulations and restrictions off the farm and ranch.

I am a FISCAL CONSERVATIVE and believe that we should not be spending money we do not have. Nebraskans agree that we want government to run more like a business. Nebraskans deserve to keep as much of their earned income as they can. There is no room for wasteful spending.